There are more than 280,000 students currently studying in Scotland and only a small minority of them know Jesus and are part of a local church. We, alongside churches across Scotland, want to see more students engaging with faith and plugged into church. University is a pivotal time where students consider who they are, what they are made for and the type of life they want to lead. God has a plan for each of the students in Scotland and if they discover who he is and who they are in him, this will change people’s lives and communities during university and beyond. How might Scotland, and the wider world, be transformed as we see each generation of students follow God and press into his call for them? We are so aware that we are stepping into the middle of a story God is writing amongst the students and churches of Scotland and we are excited to play our part in that adventure. Do you want to be part of that adventure too?


The local church is perfectly positioned for this so we strengthen and equip churches to love, welcome and disciple students. With over a decade of working in and with churches across the country we have wisdom and insight for churches with established student ministries and those just starting out. We believe it will take the whole church, in all our different shapes and sizes, to reach all students, in all their different shapes and sizes. Prayer, creativity and building meaningful relationships are at the heart of everything we do. 


We are passionate about young people hitting the ground running with Jesus as they start their studies. Working alongside churches, we help youth workers prepare young people for the significant transition into life at university or college. We connect students who are leaving home with churches in their new location.


Fusion Scotland began in 2018 as a part of the Fusion Movement. Fusion originated in England in 1997 and is growing into a global movement, with national charities developing across Europe and America. As a movement we believe that having expressions of Fusion that are run by local people who understand the culture of their context, will most effectively serve the churches in their nation. In line with this belief, we exist as an independent entity in our own right and are passionate about helping Scottish churches reach and disciple students in ways that are relevant in Scotland.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Luke 10:2b

Christa Lyth, Fusion Scotland Leader

“For centuries the university students across Scotland have changed and impacted the world in many ways. Fusion Scotland exists to ensure that this change has an eternal significance as students awaken to the call of God and make a Kingdom difference with their lives. It is a vital, necessary and timely movement that has our prayers and full support!”

Rich Wilson, Fusion Movement Leader